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Showing posts from October, 2010

Zone Drone

Just sent a new patch over to the Golden Cheetah list, this time to show time in zone on the histograms. It was relatively trivial to code up. One of those features that is absolutely needed, weird that it's been missing for so long and a piece of cake to write. Makes a change from being a nightmare to code and almost unused by most users (e.g. export to KML). This should make it into the upcoming OFFICIAL v1.4 release of GoldenCheetah. Here are some pics. Obviously the zone names and ranges are user defined in options, I just ran out of imagination for my HR zones! Just added HR zone shading too. Looks like the OFFICIAL v1.4 release is gonna get  a release candidate in the next couple of days. yay!

Weekly Weigh-In

Weight: 83.1kg (-1.6kg - but a lot to do with empty legs this morning) Weekly Distance: 184km (-30km) Peak 1 Min Power: 404 Peak 5 Min Power: 319 Peak 20 Min Power: 247 Peak 60 Min Power: 225 Highlight of this week: Weight loss, yay! Goal for next week: Make turbo time work Really consistent this week with eating and flattered by empty legs this morning after a 3 hr ride in the hills (TSS of 255). But all in all, progress being made :)

Weekly Weigh-In

Weight: 84.7kg (-0.8kg) Weekly Distance: 217km (+17km) Peak 1 Min Power: 404 Peak 5 Min Power: 319 (+24) Peak 20 Min Power: 247 (due a test next week) Peak 60 Min Power: 225 (that is *so* needing a test now) Highlight of this week: Power intervals really worked Goal for next week: Build some weight loss momentum. Body shape is changing even if weight isn't dropping off any more. Today looks like a hard workout and my legs are aching!

Ok, so my cadence improved :-)

Think positive man! Last week saw my average cadence improve. Given that was what I was supposed to be achieving I should pat myself on the back and say - Well Done!

Weekly Weigh-In

Weight: 85.4kg (no change - again!) Weekly Distance: 200km (+77km) Peak 5 Min Power: 295 Peak 20 Min Power: 247 Peak 60 Min Power: 225 (NP 245) Highlight of this week: Um. Not a good week. Goal for next week: No refined carbs. On plan this week, the sessions are focusing on cadence rather than power so the intensity isn't there and working on leg speed is a bit 'boring' :-) Weight loss stalled, not due to lack of exercise, but too much eating. I'm being good and eating 3 good meals a day, but also polishing off chocolate bicuits, bars etc isn't a pro-athlete regimen. Must try harder. Here are some charts... Oh, speaking of charts, Damien Grauser has coded the Heartrate based TRIMP metric for Golden Cheetah. It isn't published yet but I was playing with it over the weekend and updated the performance manager and other charts to plot it. I thought it would be interesting to plot a HR (TRIMP) based PMC against an Power (SKIBA) based PMC to see how ...

1,000 miles since August

Only at the end do you understand...

Ok, so I'm not a Jedi yet. But, the fancy pants 3d plot is quite interesting when looking at cadence drills. If nothing else, it sure looks cool.

Weekly Weigh-In

Weight: 85.4kg (no change) Weekly Distance: 123km (-85km) Peak 5 Min Power: 295 Peak 20 Min Power: 247 Peak 60 Min Power: 225 (NP 245) Highlight of this week: Started with coach Goal for next week: Food intake, stick to plan Not a great week of riding, the torrential rain kept me inside and although I set up the turbo and even coded up support for the Computrainer/Ergvideo .txt ride format still managed to avoid the dreaded thing. Started my plan with my coach. All seems a bit too easy, but its all part of the process. Goal for this week is to stick to the plan and not to get too frisky. I also note that he wants lots of high cadence work - I find that harder than high intensity. Working with coach via, which is cool since its testing my GoldenCheetah code. I'm currently working on importing the workout calendar into GC, watch this space!