It really is time to reflect on the work I've done since October last year, here are some facts and figures. One thing that stands out for me - I don't eat enough during my riding. Even on my last training ride I forgot to take any food or gels and was flagging towards the end.
- 183 hours on turbo
- 218 hours on bike
- 5,321 kilometers
- 152 maximum cadence
- 101 km/h maximum speed (!)
- 24.4 km/h average speed
- 3.2 kg SIS PSP22
- 2 kg SIS GO
- 2.4 kg SIS REGO
- Only 53 Gels consumed
- 62 mins to climb L'Alpe d'Huez
- 10 kg lost in weight
- 8% body fat lost
- 4" off waist (36-32)
- 43 bpm resting heart rate from 47 bpm
- 188 bpm max on bike up from 181 bpm
- 165 lactate threshold up from 145 (!)
- 293w FTP up from 245w
- 3 inner tubes
- 4 tyres
- 2 chains
- 2 cassettes
- 1 compact chainset
- 104 blog posts (!)