Update: A Windows installer for Golden Cheetah with Long term metrics support compiled in is available here.
Well. Last year's Marmotte was a total disaster. 9 months later I'm beginning to accept that it was a result of a number of things.
1. My training dipped dramatically through June due to work pressures
2. I just didn't do enough (read any) L4 work
3. I'm not actually that great a cyclist
The chart above is from some development I've been doing on plotting performance over time for Golden Cheetah. Kind of a back burner activity when I get some spare time. In it, you will see, that over all my training I spent almost no sustained efforts in L4 and camped at the top end of L3 for most of the time.
You will also see that my performance plateaued from Feb onwards.
So, more intensity required.
Update: Here is my peak powers overlaid with time in zone for L3 and L4, you will also see the zones change as my FTP improves. Its kind of a pretty chart but the message is simple: not enough sustained L4 efforts during training!